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Oral fluid drug testing (also known as saliva or swab drug testing) offers many advantages over traditional drug testing methods!
Forensic Fluids Laboratories tests saliva because it’s the quickest, most accurate, and least invasive matrix available. Comparably, saliva drug concentrations correlate closest to blood drug concentrations and do not require the poke of a needle.
This sheet details many of these advantages.

- Synthetic Fentanyls

The Window of Detection is the time frame that a drug can be detected from the last use. Different drugs can be detected within different windows of time.
You’ll find detection times for:
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamines
- Opiates
…..and more!

All drug testing methods have different “windows” of detection. Our Detection Period sheet compares the windows of detection for:
- Oral Fluid
- Blood
- Urine
In its similarity to blood, Oral Fluid testing enables the detection of drug usage within the first four or five hours, a window of time often omitted by urine test results.
…..and more!